The oil leakage problems of the shot blasting machine

For the use of shot blasting machine, oil leakage often occurs. For example, the rotating shaft of shot blasting machine engine leaks oil, and the switch of shot blasting machine engine leaks oil So how should we deal with these sudden oil spills? First of all, let's talk about the solution to the oil leakage of the rotating shaft of the shot blasting machine engine. The rotating shaft of the shot blasting machine includes the shift lever shaft of the starter, the clutch handle shaft and the pressure reducing shaft of the shot blasting machine engine.

Causes and measures of the shot blasting machine: if the shaft and hole wear each other, the shift lever shaft and clutch handle shaft of the starter can be cut out of the sealing ring groove on the lathe, and the sealing rubber ring of corresponding size can be installed. If the rubber ring of the decompression shaft fails due to aging, replace it with a new one. How to deal with the oil leakage from the engine switch of shot blasting machine Switches include water valve, fuel tank switch, gasoline switch, etc. If the ball valve is worn or rusted, remove the rust between the ball valve and the seat hole, and select a suitable steel ball instead. If the sealing packing and fastening thread of the shot blasting machine engine are damaged, the fasteners and sealing packing shall be repaired or replaced. If the cone joint surface is not tight, it can be ground with fine valve sand and engine oil.(shot blasting machine)